Thursday, May 1, 2014

Jackson Pollock Cover Story

While we were enjoying a three hour songfest upstairs, our two resident artists were downstairs - transforming the playroom & bathroom with enough colour and pizzaz to rival Jackson Pollock.

They were convinced we would LOVE their efforts.
And we did.
We really did.  :)


  1. So... it was a good thing I didn't clean down there yesterday?? It would have been wasted effort, it seems ;-)

    1. Oh, they didn't touch the random piles of dress up clothes. It seems that distant table of neatly organized art supplies "stood out" amidst the chaos. :)

  2. Amy Hoogstad, Sarah N. VanPopta, Aileen Hofsink and 18 others like this.

    Margaret Spanninga:
    What sort of paint is it??

    Joanna Lynn VanHof-deJong:
    Margaret - thankfully, Joanne is smart enough to have only washable paint in her playroom. Believe it or not, Miriam's shirt is white again....

    Amy Hoogstad:
    Yikes!!! Glad it wasn't my kids. Also very glad it was washable!

    Karin Werder-VanHof:
    Wow Joanna, Miriam pulled off a Julian level stunt...I guess she is your "boy"

    Karen VanDooren:
    Love it! That's one for the photo album!!

    Michelle Helder:
    Oh, Joanna and Alison!!!! That is hilarious!!!!! Probably hilarious because it wasn't my kid! I can just imagine the 'stomach drop' as you guys discovered this.
    Wow. Thanks for sharing - I have had my day's quota of laughter all in one shot :o)

    Lisha Scholtens Poort:
    Wow!! I heard the commotion, but I'm not sorry to say I don't regret escaping when I did:) I guess they must have done SOME talking to put this plan together!!

    Alison Vanderwoude:
    I love this lady too!!! So gracious......and Joanna, Asia's shirt is white again too!! Crazy girlies!!

    Tracy Aasman:
    Ohhhh Asia Belle and Miriam!! Crazy girls. I can imagine the initial reaction of horror and unbelief Alison!!

    Francine Van Iperen:
    WOW!! Thanks for the daily dose of laughter! I guess you have to laugh or cry or both. Don't know what I would have

  3. Francine Van Iperen:
    WOW!! Thanks for the daily dose of laughter! I guess you have to laugh or cry or both. Don't know what I would have done!

    Lori Stegenga:
    Oh boy, Asia you sure are a challenge for your Mom

    Michelle Schulenberg:
    Jo, I think she has your artistic side. bahaha.

  4. Melanie Kottelenberg, Lynne Jans, Joanna Lynn VanHof-deJong and 6 others like this.

    Michelle Verwey:
    definite A!

    Henriette VanHof:
    Oh dear!!

    Hilary Vonk Scholtens:
    I'm trying to guess - VanHof and Hofsink creativity?

    Alida Spanninga:
    I hope the songfest was worth it

    Patricia Post:
    Love it!

  5. Hi Joanne,

    Loved this post! Rob and I had a good laugh over seeing those guilty little faces!! So cute. Hope you got all that paint off!!


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